Over the last few days I have made some changes to the child theme I use on this blog. It is still based on the TwentyEleven default theme, but the main changes are as follows:
- Changed single.php to show the sidebar on single post pages.
- Created my own images to be rotated in the header.
- Made the header text a bit bigger & add a shadow to help it show up against the new header images.
- Dropped the header text and search box to overlay the header images.
- Put a fixed dark linen background outside the edge of the content area. Also added a shadow to the content area so it seems to be floating above the background.
- Made some changes to the @media queries to change the site’s display on mobile screens / small screens / tablets.
New header images.
Here are some of the new header images. There are a few more but I don’t want to spoil the surprise! I still need to test this on Internet Explorer and see how bad it looks. Maybe I will tackle that soon.